My podcast explores entertainment culture (nerd, pop, ect),self improvement and philosophy with a touch of whimsy and humor.

A great group of Nerdist!

In this episode I talk about how I humble bragged!  Albert Brooks was gracious enough to reply to my tweet and wished Chris Hardwick a happy birthday.  This is the LAST time I'm mentioning it.  I swear/promise!  

I talk about the live show.  It was awesome! I got home at 1am but it was totally worth it.

Gladstone now follows me on twitter.  I have a feeling he won't be if he ever listens to this podcast. 

New ideas for segments:

1) A verse and a chorus...i sing a verse and a chorus of my favorite songs.  I love singing and this is a way to help me find my voice....

2) Bad Acting Theater.  I read from a script posted on Amazon script.  I am looking at Gladiators vs. Zombies.  This movie needs to be made.


Important Links:

1) Hate by Numbers

2) What if there were no more internet?  Find the answers here:

3) Nerdist Episode 146, Northampton, MA:


Thank you for listening!!

Direct download: dihard-304550-12-03-2011_pshow_470813.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 2:07pm EDT