My podcast explores entertainment culture (nerd, pop, ect),self improvement and philosophy with a touch of whimsy and humor.

Show Notes:

  • Stuff from Engineering Luck
  • Confidence Theory
  • Here is the point of not only the chapter but the entire book: Strive for excellence in something you love.
  • Options lead to Safety leads to Comfort leads to Confidence
  • It is the little things that add up to.
  • Characterize: Write three things you are good at.
  • Characterize: Think of a situation in which you felt desperate and write down at least two options you might have had. If you can't come up with any, stop feeling bad about it! There was nothing else you could do.

Strive for excellence in something you love! (New ending phrase....I'm so excited!) Opening theme The 11th Doctor into Echano performed by the URI Ram Marching Band under the direction of Dr. Brian Cardany! Ending theme Do it anyway by Ben Folds Five.

Direct download: WtNW_14.mp3
Category:Self Help -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

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