My podcast explores entertainment culture (nerd, pop, ect),self improvement and philosophy with a touch of whimsy and humor.

Things to expect in future podcasts:

   * I'm going to Gally!!! 
   * Projects that I have funded and their status
   * New Project: Word press--the exploration of what it is to be a Nerd.
   * New Project: Photo book.  I'm going to take pictures and write a travel/autobiographical photo book.

Joke of the week
Cracker Barel + Denny's + BJ's Whole Sale = my awkward attempt at humor!  It's a train wreck and you get to bare witness! 

Recommendation of the week

Famous voice over actors record Star Wars:

Around the podcasts
This is a new segment where I tell you who was on what podcasts that I listened.  This way you can listen to the shows you want with that nasty comitment to downloading and listening to EVERY episode!

    1. James Gunn was on both Nerdist and Adam Carolla.
      3. @JamesGunn and  and
    2. Louis CK was on the BS Report.  He talked about his third season of Louie and the challenges of constantly challenging yourself.  Bil and Louis  also talked bout boxing.  I love it when people talk about things they have a great deal of passion for.  It was a delightful conversation.  Louis CK is on tour.  Get tickets only on his site! I'm seeing him in January at the  Boston Symphony Hall.
      1. For all things Louis CK:
      2. Follow him on twitter: @louisck

Nerdist Video Recommendation of the week!

I'll be ending with a word from Larry Miller himself.  Thank you for downloading!!

Follow me on Twitter @dihard11


More podcasty goodness:

Support the podcast by supporting Nerdist Industries!

Opening music “Open Up Wide” under the direction of Brian Cardanay 2008 URI Marching Band.  The closing song is “Do it anyway” unreased song by Ben Folds Five. Download the song here!

Direct download: podcast_0-32.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:17pm EDT

  • This is wonderful!

    posted by: Pearl on 2012-09-24 19:01:23

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