My podcast explores entertainment culture (nerd, pop, ect),self improvement and philosophy with a touch of whimsy and humor.

DiHard Podcast heads to LA next week!!!   Will there be bowling?  Will there be meeting tons of nice Nerdist/Nodes?  Will there be QUEMMENT??? 

Bens Fold Fives New Project: Still time to pledge!!

click on Pledge Music if you wish to pre-order their new album!!

Nerdist Article

My YouTube Video with Nerdist Live Photos and BF5’s Do It Anyway

Recommendation of the week:  Nerdkicks!  According to them:

We believe that nerdy skills are superpowers. With the help of our amazing nerdy guests, we test our theory by decoding nerdy identities, examining alter egos, and learning what it takes to be a truly influential, accomplished nerdy sidekick.

Head over to and join in on the fun!!

GET WELL LARRY MILLER….or I’ll be forced to tell more jokes!  Can the world deal with that??

Thank you for listening.  Seize YOUR burrito!

If you haven’t subscribed to the Nerdist Channel YouTube Channel, what are you waiting for?  There are so many varieties of entertainment, something will grab your fancy!  There is Chris Hardwick in Celebrity Bowling!  You have weird stuff from Japan.  There is even cute things being blown up!   If you want more Nerdist content, subscribe TODAY! 

Twitter @dihard11

Opening music “Open Up Wide” under the direction of Brian Cardanay 2008 URI Marching Band.  The closing song is “Do it anyway” unreased song by Ben Folds Five. Download the song here!

Direct download: podcast_0-27.mp3
Category:Live Shows -- posted at: 7:25pm EDT

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