Fri, 16 December 2011
Still have the plague, I think it is related to the construction in the library. My lungs are weak and frail. *sigh* I'm off to Germany. More DiHard Content:
Direct download: dihard-306283-12-18-2011_pshow_472019.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 3:09pm EDT
Fri, 9 December 2011
I have a week. Not much happened.....I am a top nerd on the Node. I'm in good company! I'm working on my quemment for the Live Nerdist show in DC. It has the potential to be awesome. If I deliver it right it could be really powerful and awesome.
"Time is finite and nonrenewable, do not spend it on things that do not add to your long term happiness!"
Direct download: dihard-305505-12-09-2011_pshow_471358.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 3:15pm EDT
Sat, 3 December 2011
In this episode I talk about how I humble bragged! Albert Brooks was gracious enough to reply to my tweet and wished Chris Hardwick a happy birthday. This is the LAST time I'm mentioning it. I swear/promise! I talk about the live show. It was awesome! I got home at 1am but it was totally worth it. Gladstone now follows me on twitter. I have a feeling he won't be if he ever listens to this podcast. New ideas for segments: 1) A verse and a chorus...i sing a verse and a chorus of my favorite songs. I love singing and this is a way to help me find my voice.... 2) Bad Acting Theater. I read from a script posted on Amazon script. I am looking at Gladiators vs. Zombies. This movie needs to be made.
Important Links: 1) Hate by Numbers 2) What if there were no more internet? Find the answers here: 3) Nerdist Episode 146, Northampton, MA:
Thank you for listening!!
Direct download: dihard-304550-12-03-2011_pshow_470813.mp3
Category: Podcast -- posted at: 2:07pm EDT