My podcast explores entertainment culture (nerd, pop, ect),self improvement and philosophy with a touch of whimsy and humor.

Summary and Links:

Opening and closing themes: Music from Doctor Who by Murray Gold.

Direct download: episode_61.mp3
Category:Live Shows -- posted at: 8:07pm EDT

"We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?" -The Big Bang, 11th Doctor

This episode brought to you by Patty Marvel! follow her on Twitter! @pattymarvel

For more information on how to support the Podcast go to:

Summary and Important Links:

Opening and closing themes are from the Doctor Who sountracks by Murray Gold. Support him by buying his wonderful soundtracks on you favorite multimedia sellers!

Direct download: episode_60.mp3
Category:Live Shows -- posted at: 6:24pm EDT

Important Links and Summary:

Opening theme "Open Up Wide". Closing theme "Louie Louie". Both performed by the University of Rhode Island Ram Marching Band under the direction of Dr. Brian Cardany. Other music is generic sounds that are included in garage band. :-)

Direct download: episode_59.mp3
Category:Live Shows -- posted at: 11:21am EDT

Walking the Nerdist Way

This episode is also known as the truth about truth. Important Links:

  • 6 Truths That will Make You a Better Person:
  • Develop a positive attitude:
  • The Nerdist Way!!! (We are still covering the Mind!)
  • Characterize!!! * What are some of the reasons things aren't working out? * Write them in your character tome. * Write BULLSHIT over the ones that are bullshit. Draw cartoon flies for special effects!
  • Keep it SMART!
  • Podcast closer!! "If you can believe you deserve good things and cultivate this skill of "putting yourself out there no matter what" you will be ahead of 98% of the people on this eroding rock."

Thank you very much for listening! Do you have comments? You have questions! Maybe they are quemments (TM Nerdist).  Feel free to ask them via a number of social media sites! Go to for all things dihard! Pleae subscribe to iTunes and leave a review?

Opening theme "Handbags and Gladrags" performed by the University of Rhode Island Ram Marching band under the direction of Brian Cardany.

Closing theme "Do it anyway" written and performed by Ben Folds Five.

Direct download: podcast_WNW_0-03_2.mp3
Category:Podcast -- posted at: 8:36pm EDT